What’s New

Tristan Markwell recently interviewed me for Notes From the Future. We talked about the ideas behind Stealing Worlds, as well as new projects and how I’m actively working to build the vision of AI I describe in that novel.


  • There’s a new interview with me by Paul Graham Raven available on his site, Worldbuilding.Agency. There are lots of goodies about how I work and what I’m working on.

  • My short story “Hijack” made the cover of the March, 2024 issue of the IEEE Spectrum. You can read it for free!

  • My newsletter, Unapocalyptic, is quickly gaining subscribers. I’ve been running it since October, 2023—so, not very long—but try to update it at least once a week. You can subscribe using the button in the top left.

  • I serialized a short novel for my paying subscribers. It’s an homage to one the idols of my youth, Golden Age author Andre Norton. You can read the first chapter of The Fallow Orbits for free.

What’s Next

I am working on many projects. The newsletter is taking up most of my time and I hope to release original fiction and audio readings there. Meanwhile, I am primarily focused on novellas, but I have two novels on the go plus a short story collection:

  • I’m writing a pre-apocalyptic novel about the future of the Arctic

  • My fascination with Venus has led me into an epic adventure story that is threatening to take over my life

  • A sequel to The Million is nearly complete

  • I said I would never write a time travel story, but am deep into one right now

As soon as I have publication details for upcoming releases I will put them here.

NOTE: This new website is a work in progress. I initially created a beautiful design using AI art, but in solidarity with the artists whose work is being used without remuneration to train these generative AIs, I’ve removed all that leaving the current minimalist black. I hope to figure out a compromise and make this a truly inviting and visually lush browsing environment. Watch this space!

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In my weekly newsletter, Unapocalyptic, I reimagine the future by reimagining science fiction’s core ideas. The purpose? To help you earn hope in the future; and, to give you tools and access to resources that’ll help you confront that future on your own terms, framed as a truly 21st project.